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С петлей на шее: Burberry извинился за неоднозначную модель худи

По словам представителей бренда, дизайн был вдохновлен морской тематикой
21 февраля 2019
По словам представителей бренда, дизайн был вдохновлен морской тематикой

Модный бренд Burberry раскритиковали за пропаганду суицида, пишет BBC. Причиной обсуждений в соцсетях стала толстовка с петлей на шее, которую представили на лондонской неделе моды.


Фото: Getty

Первой Burberry подвергла критике одна из моделей этого показа — Лиз Кеннеди. «Самоубийство — это не мода… Я не понимаю, как вы могли выпустить на подиум лук со свисающей с шеи петлей висельника», — возмутилась девушка.

Лиз Кеннеди призналась, что пыталась заговорить об этом со своим коллегой: «У меня был короткий разговор с кем-то, но все, что это повлекло за собой, было: «Это мода. Никому нет дела до того, что происходит в твоей личной жизни, так что просто держи это при себе».

К слову, сначала представители Burberry пытались объяснить общественности, что дизайн не имеет никакого отношения к теме суицида и был вдохновлен морской темой. Однако позже бренд извинился и удалил свитшот из коллекции.


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@burberry @riccardotisci17 Suicide is not fashion. It is not glamorous nor edgy and since this show is dedicated to the youth expressing their voice, here I go. Riccardo Tisci and everyone at Burberry it is beyond me how you could let a look resembling a noose hanging from a neck out on the runway. How could anyone overlook this and think it would be okay to do this especially in a line dedicated to young girls and youth. The impressionable youth. Not to mention the rising suicide rates world wide. Let’s not forget about the horrifying history of lynching either. There are hundreds of ways to tie a rope and they chose to tie it like a noose completely ignoring the fact that it was hanging around a neck. A massive brand like Burberry who is typically considered commercial and classy should not have overlooked such an obvious resemblance. I left my fitting extremely triggered after seeing this look (even though I did not wear it myself). Feeling as though I was right back where I was when I was going through an experience with suicide in my family. Also to add in they briefly hung one from the ceiling (trying to figure out the knot) and were laughing about it in the dressing room. I had asked to speak to someone about it but the only thing I was told to do was to write a letter. I had a brief conversation with someone but all that it entailed was “it’s fashion. Nobody cares about what’s going on in your personal life so just keep it to yourself” well I’m sorry but this is an issue bigger than myself. The issue is not about me being upset, there is a bigger picture here of what fashion turns a blind eye to or does to gain publicity. A look so ignorantly put together and a situation so poorly handled. I am ashamed to have been apart of the show. #burberry. I did not post this to disrespect the designer or the brand but to simply express an issue I feel very passionate about.

Публикация от 🦎 (@liz.kennedy_)

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